
Digital Twin


Digital Twin

5 benefits you expect from a DTO

By Kevin Bowles

5 benefits you expect from a DTO

A Visual Reference

The digital twin of an organization (DTO) provides a visual reference for stakeholders to engage with.


Even in its most basic form, the DTO can promote a better understanding of the functional processes and relationships that exist across the organization.


This is a valuable input for learning activities and transformation initiatives.

  • Know your business
  • Understand your business better
  • Improve awareness

Simulation and Experimentation

Imagine being able to interact with a DTO of a complex set of business processes supporting your product or service and experiment with changes to determine what the real-world impact would be.


This is already a reality, and as the world moves further towards digitalization, it will enable even broader opportunities for integrated simulations. 

In a well-defined DTO, experiments can be conducted with a high level of certainty without ever touching the real-world business process or impacting your products or services


The relationships between various components, their tolerance levels, dependencies, and other considerations exist as operating parameters for the DTO. 


This is valuable for operational managers, financial analysts, senior executives or anyone who wants to get the most out of their product or service without introducing unnecessary risk. 


  • Simulate real-life
  • Run virtual simulations
  • Experiment without risk

Improved Asset and Resource Management

  • With a DTO, you will be able to optimize resources across the organization including labour and assets to make evidence-based strategic choices regarding capability, capacity, and asset lifecycles.


    It will help you determine when an asset has strategically outlived its purpose and when it should be upgraded or repaired. 


    Governance of regulatory compliance and managing the performance of your assets are significantly enhanced with a DTO!


      • Manage resource efficiency and utilization
      • Enhance asset management practises
      • Improve compliance and governance

​Reporting & Monitoring

Since the DTO aims to be as “true to life” as possible, operational and financial data can be used to effectively monitor connected real-world processes.


An example could be a production line in a manufacturing process. Here, components are highly dependent on one another to operate efficiently. It would be great if the downstream logistics team were automatically advised if something went wrong. Or even better, before something failed! 


  • Better control
  • Smart monitoring
  • Improve monitoring 

QualiWare named a Tech Leader in DTODTO 

QKS Group has named QualiWare as a DTO tech Leader 4 years in a row in their SPARK Matrix™.

Read more about the DTO SPARK Matrix™

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