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Visit our Center of Excellence

At our helpsite Center of Excellence we provide documentation, guides, videos, online training, and much more to help you improve your QualiWare skills. 
Access is completely free of charge, and the content is created for QualiWare users on all levels, beginners as well as experts.

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We also offer Maintenance
and Support Solutions

Get the latest QualiWare upgrades with a Maintenance Agreement

If you have a QualiWare X Solution based on perpetual licenses, QualiWare offers a Maintenance Agreement. If you have subscription-based licenses, a Maintenance Agreement is already included in your subscription fee. The Maintenance Agreement ensures that your QualiWare X solution is upgraded to the latest version, with the newest features and patches. With a Maintenance Agreement you can sign up and log into QualiWare's support tool and share bugs and feedback. 

This is very helpful for us when we upgrade and develop new versions of QualiWare. So we really appreciate it when we hear from you!

Submit your support tickets here
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Support Agreement – when you need service

If you regard QualiWare as business-critical we highly recommend that you get a Support Agreement. 

Having a Support Agreement means that our Service and Support Team will help you if there is a problem and they will make sure that your QualiWare system keeps running. 

Support Agreements are available in multiple levels of support to make sure that your exact needs are met. With a Support Agreement QualiWare customers 

can submit support tickets in our Support Tool. Furthermore, they can see all their active tickets and their organization’s ticket history. 

Go ahead and sign up, login and have a look at the QualiWare Support Tool, or read more about our Support Agreements.

More about QW Support Agreements
QW Support Tool

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